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VC/MFC Today: 0|Threads: 446|Rank: 18 

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How to create a dialog box under Win32 program? 部落小草 2020-2-5 81568 andyxing20 2020-8-17 06:15
Drag Drop register problem savage698 2020-1-10 1927 momo11xiao 2020-8-16 23:30
How to tell if a field in oracle can be null moments 2020-1-3 3928 moments 2020-8-16 17:15
Ask a network file transfer jucengge 2020-2-16 71493 dnf_lf 2020-8-16 17:00
Help: ASSERT problem when calling Socket in DLL! pzx2006 2020-3-15 71656 kuer1977 2020-8-16 14:45
How to write text content to an edit box in another process ?? mystonelh 2020-2-17 31141 kuer1977 2020-8-15 22:15
Is there a UML modeling tool that integrates visual studio.net? ninjalooter 2020-3-3 51233 ninjalooter 2020-8-15 21:30
Questions about ending threads  ...2 weekice 2020-1-22 101740 googstj 2020-8-15 21:15
GDI + 's drawimage doesn't work when printed sweetsheng 2020-1-19 91220 sweetsheng 2020-8-15 15:30
CreatFile usage. ysxyysxy 2020-3-2 1926 wqpipper 2020-8-14 17:30
How the media player plugin gets the name of the currently playing video program jame_v 2020-3-8 51048 菠萝菠萝蜜 2020-8-13 15:30
Ask everyone a question, how to change the icon of the MFC program generated by vc?  ...2 yngmei 2020-3-22 142254 yngmei 2020-8-13 14:00
How to display characters line by line in Edit box in MFC 4254719 2020-2-10 61360 4254719 2020-8-12 01:30
A very good dish about snmp, but the problem that has troubled me for a long time lindong 2020-2-10 41294 417young 2020-8-11 21:30
I would like to ask you: how can you use VC ++ to dynamically give the value of the text box of the crystal report.  ...2 alther 2020-1-27 101737 alther 2020-8-11 19:45
Has anyone used MfcGridCtrl, if you want to use different colors for different characters in a cell, is there any way?  ...2 zgw716 2020-2-14 101767 zgw716 2020-8-11 16:30
ListBox How to determine which item is double-clicked? hajinlei 2020-1-9 41083 牛罗锅 2020-8-10 02:30
Find the source code of the self-painting ListCtrl header (CHeaderCtrl) anan139 2020-3-20 31090 lyz1984321 2020-8-9 22:15
A problem with vc reading excel? cysilent 2020-1-14 2997 深渊议会 2020-8-8 09:00
DataGrid is not bound to a database, how to set the cell content directly luck32167 2020-1-21 2985 yefeng619 2020-8-8 03:15
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