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VC/MFC Today: 0|Threads: 446|Rank: 18 

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How to operate dbase database, odbc, dao, ado under VC? lubinwsw10 2020-3-3 81310 javatyro 2020-7-25 10:45
How to resolve this simple error? hoffmann1234 2020-2-18 7990 笨丫头 2020-7-24 13:30
VC refused to let it go, let it be PHP, should I leave?  ...23 yourstc 2020-1-30 235469 yourstc 2020-7-24 00:30
CMDIChildWnd child window problem oasisflying 2020-1-7 61292 oasisflying 2020-7-23 18:45
The problem with SkinMagic skin resurfacing, weird! Let's take a look !! scnjlnd 2020-2-24 61082 hehehehe 2020-7-23 12:45
Regarding the process of full screen display, move the mouse to the top, the menu appears, remove the mouse, the menu di realvagrant 2020-2-7 51231 ssllang 2020-7-23 07:30
When debugging the runtime library, where is the source code of the runtime library? 辉煌魔剑弑神 2020-3-20 31164 辉煌魔剑弑神 2020-7-22 18:45
Is XXView.h added with #include "XXDoc.h"? zhanhuitw 2020-2-5 41194 zhanhuitw 2020-7-22 16:00
SetclassLong zlf312512 2020-1-18 31150 lcdxhj 2020-7-21 21:45
Variable undefined problem! !! !! !!  ...2 anye9631 2020-3-18 101994 anye9631 2020-7-21 19:00
Master: Multi-line strings, how to achieve in DC like Word can let different characters display with different colors /  ...23 zgw716 2020-1-22 204422 zgw716 2020-7-21 18:15
File read and write sharing issues zm123456 2020-2-4 5937 daibiao 2020-7-21 12:15
Help: can't open the file with c ++ guangweiyu 2020-3-22 71157 guangweiyu 2020-7-20 13:45
VC6.0 using GDI + to draw icons, opaque? robert1979 2020-1-4 51130 robert1979 2020-7-19 23:00
Regarding the issue of CListView and form split, please advise, thank you. edwinjiang 2020-2-19 4978 edwinjiang 2020-7-19 19:00
On the list control, what message will be triggered when changing the width of a column? k198587 2020-1-30 3941 small35 2020-7-19 18:45
How to convert HBITMAP to HICON bigcatcat 2020-2-14 1839 lcdxhj 2020-7-19 16:45
Ask: I want to use the "apply" button of the cpropertysheet class, how can I do it? It is gray by default and is not a 再无所谓 2020-2-16 1865 lcdxhj 2020-7-19 16:30
Linux thread pool usage code !!! cht20044 2020-3-17 31182 may0322 2020-7-19 11:00
How to write a binary file to the physical address 0x00 of a removable storage device, such as a U disk or SD card in a fatlancer 2020-1-14 1991 zzzcy321 2020-7-19 08:00
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