SQL Server rebuilds the tempdb database every time the service is restarted
If the tempdb grows automatically due to the need during the system operation, SQL Serve will not remember the size after growth, and it will return to the original size after restarting the service.
But if the user used to manually adjust the size of tempdb, restarting the service SQL Server will rebuild tempdb to the user specified size
Test example
tempdb initialized to 8MB
1) Make tempdb grow automatically
select b. * into #t from sysprocesses a, sysobjects b
Use sp_helpdb 'tempdb' after restart
You can see that tempdb is restored to 8MB
2) Users use Alter Database to adjust to 100MB,
USE master
(NAME = tempdev, SIZE = 100MB)
After restarting the service, the size of tempdb is 100MB.
The following query can see the changes in tempdb
select a.filename, a.name, a.size * 8.0 / 1024.0 as originalsize_MB,
f.size * 8.0 / 1024.0 as currentsize_MB
from master..sysaltfiles a join tempdb..sysfiles f on a.fileid = f.fileid
where dbid = db_id ('tempdb')
and a.size <> f.size |