if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N '[dbo]. [p_backupdb]') and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsProcedure ') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo]. [p_backupdb]
create proc p_backupdb
@dbname sysname = '', --The name of the database to be backed up, if not specified, the current database is backed up
@bkpath nvarchar (260) = '', --The directory where the backup files are stored.If not specified, the default SQL backup directory is used.
@bkfname nvarchar (260) = '', --Backup file name,\DBNAME\can be used for the database name,\DATE\for the date, and\TIME\for the time.
@bktype nvarchar (10) = 'DB',-backup type: 'DB' backup database, 'DF' differential backup, 'LOG' log backup
@appendfile bit = 1-Append / overwrite backup file
declare @sql varchar (8000)
if isnull (@dbname, '') = '' set @ dbname = db_name ()
if isnull (@bkpath, '') = '' set @ bkpath = dbo.f_getdbpath (null)
if isnull (@bkfname, '') = '' set @ bkfname = '\DBNAME\_\DATE\_\TIME\.BAK'
set @ bkfname = replace (replace (replace (@ bkfname, '\DBNAME\', @ dbname)
, '\DATE\', convert (varchar, getdate (), 112))
, '\TIME\', replace (convert (varchar, getdate (), 108), ':', ''))
set @ sql = 'backup' + case @bktype when 'LOG' then 'log' else 'database' end + @ dbname
+ 'to disk =' '' + @ bkpath + @ bkfname
+ '' 'with' + case @bktype when 'DF' then 'DIFFERENTIAL,' else '' end
+ case @appendfile when 1 then 'NOINIT' else 'INIT' end
print @sql
exec (@sql)
--Back up the current database
exec p_backupdb @ bkpath = 'c:\', @ bkfname = 'db_\DATE\_db.bak'
-Differential backup of the current database
exec p_backupdb @ bkpath = 'c:\', @ bkfname = 'db_\DATE\_df.bak', @ bktype = 'DF'
--Back up the current database log
exec p_backupdb @ bkpath = 'c:\', @ bkfname = 'db_\DATE\_log.bak', @ bktype = 'LOG' |