Use adoconnection and adoquery to query things in access. The query is based on the date in a datatimepicker. It can be found on my computer.
Click Release in subject-> Options-> Compiler,
Remove the Builder with runtime packages option in subject-> Options-> Packages
Remove the Use dynamic RTL option in subject-> Options-> Linker
Then, Build
Moving the .exe program to a student's computer in the same dormitory can also complete the query and addition, but it will not be worse as soon as it is moved to the computer in the next dormitory, but the database has the corresponding added data after the addition. It just can't be displayed.
The general meaning of the program is: you can add some content, fill in the content, add it to the database, and then immediately display it in the DBGrid below.
The query is: select * from [table] where dater like datetimepicker-> date-> datestring
But it doesn't show up on other dormitory computers. Please help. Thank you. |