Edited by alfazzafashion at 2022-1-30 16:34
Combine multiple python files into one python file
Thing you want to do
For example, a project where main.py calls another file ...
- main.py
- sub1.py
- folder
- sub2.py
↓ ↓ ↓ The functions and classes that depend on it ...
Gyu! !! !! I'm surprised.
(The motivation is that I wondered if I could easily execute the python file managed by the project with google colab.)
Here, you can use a python package called stickytape. https://pypi.org/project/stickytape/
stickytape = Adhesive tape
All the experimented code is published on Github, so for reference.
install Now you can use the stickytape command. (No command name ...)
$ pip install stickytape
Prepare the file
The configuration is as follows.
- main.py
- sub1.py
- folder
- sub2.py
folder/sub2.py Make an Apple class as you like and give it a value property as you like.
class Apple:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
sub1.py I will make an average function as appropriate.
def mean(a, b):
return (a+b)/2
main.py Import it, calculate it appropriately, and display it appropriately.
from sub1 import mean
from folder.sub2 import Apple
apple1 = Apple(value=100)
apple2 = Apple(value=200)
result = mean(apple1.value, apple2.value)
Now! In one file!
Execute the following command. (Of course, anything in onefile.py is OK)
$ stickytape main.py > onefile.py
The following ʻonefile.py` will be generated.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import contextlib as __stickytape_contextlib
def __stickytape_temporary_dir():
import tempfile
import shutil
dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
yield dir_path
with __stickytape_temporary_dir() as __stickytape_working_dir:
def __stickytape_write_module(path, contents):
import os, os.path
def make_package(path):
parts = path.split("/")
partial_path = __stickytape_working_dir
for part in parts:
partial_path = os.path.join(partial_path, part)
if not os.path.exists(partial_path):
open(os.path.join(partial_path, "__init__.py"), "w").write("\n")
full_path = os.path.join(__stickytape_working_dir, path)
with open(full_path, "w") as module_file:
import sys as __stickytape_sys
__stickytape_sys.path.insert(0, __stickytape_working_dir)
__stickytape_write_module('sub1.py', 'def mean(a, b):\n return (a+b)/2')
__stickytape_write_module('folder/sub2.py', 'class Apple:\n\n def __init__(self, value):\n self.value = value')
from sub1 import mean
from folder.sub2 import Apple
apple1 = Apple(value=100)
apple2 = Apple(value=200)
result = mean(apple1.value, apple2.value)
For a moment, it became "What's wrong !?", but when I executed this ...
The correct calculation result is displayed safely.
Experiment with Google Colab
I copied the above code to Google Colab and ran it.
As shown below, 150.0 was displayed safely.
It's a digression from here.
The command stickytape is long, and I'm lazy to specify the directory of the generated file one by one, so I think it's a good idea to script it as follows.
- main.py
- sub1.py
- folder
- sub2.py
- scripts
- tape.sh
- build
- onefile.py
#initial value
while getopts e : OPT
case $OPT in
"e" ) entry=${OPTARG};;
"o" ) output=${OPTARG};;
stickytape ${entry} > "build/${output}"
The following command will run main.py and generate onefile.py in the build directory.
$ sh scripts/tape.sh
I also prepared options.
Option name Description :
-e : Entry point filename
-o : File name to output
$ sh scripts/tape.sh -e <file name> -o <file name>
The generated directory is fixed with build, so if you don't like it, change it.
If you write it at the beginning, it will get in the way, so let me introduce yourself quietly at the end.Source: https://github.com/anonymansz/stickytape.git