[i = s] This post was last edited by wanglu3716 at 2021-6-5 21:45 [/ i]
%% 200khz
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f = 200000;% frequency of 200kHz
FS = 2e7;% sampling rate (time incremental step)
N = 500;% 5 wave number sampling points
T = 0: 1 / fs: (n-1) / fs;% time
L = Length (T);% time length
C = sin (2 * pi * f * t);% sinusoidal signal
H = HANN (500);% Hanning window function
S = h. * c ';% amplitude
P = FFT (s);% Fast Fourier transformation
P1 = ABS (P / L);
P2 = P1 (1: l / 2 + 1);
P2 (2: end-1) = 2 * p2 (2: End-1);
FF = fs * (0: (l / 2)) / L;% frequency (X-axis in the frequency domain)
Temp1 = [t 's];% corresponds to the time and the amplitude
Figure (1)
Plot (T, S)% time domain drawing
Temp2 = [ff 'p2];% corresponds to the frequency and the amplitude
Figure (2)
Plot (ff, p2)
% Xlswrite ('s_200khz_hann.xlsx', Temp)% is written to Excel (remove the comment number when you write) |