'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
'*/Module name: DateFunctions.bas
'*/Function: string to date and to string conversion function
'*/Date of establishment: 2016-09-12
'*/Date of modification:
'*/Contact: Mend@sunseaman.com Http://www.sunseaman.com
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
Option Explicit
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
'*/Function name: DateToString
'*/Function: Convert standard date format to string
'*/Return value: String continuous string, such as 20160912101227
'*/Parameter: vStandardDate standard date
'*/Date of establishment: 2016-09-12
'*/Date of modification:
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
Public Function DateToString(ByRef vStandardDate As Date) As String'SerializeDate
Dim strYear As String, strMonth As String, strDay As String
Dim strHour As String, strMinute As String, strSecond As String
strYear = CStr(Year(vStandardDate))
strMonth = CStr(Month(vStandardDate))
strDay = CStr(Day(vStandardDate))
strHour = CStr(Hour(vStandardDate))
strMinute = CStr(Minute(vStandardDate))
strSecond = CStr(Second(vStandardDate))
If CInt(strMonth) <10 Then _
strMonth = "0"&strMonth
If CInt(strDay) <10 Then _
strDay = "0"&strDay
If CInt(strHour) <10 Then _
strHour = "0"&strHour
If CInt(strMinute) <10 Then _
strMinute = "0"&strMinute
If CInt(strSecond) <10 Then _
strSecond = "0"&strSecond
DateToString = strYear&strMonth&strDay&strHour&strMinute&strSecond
End Function
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
'*/Function name: StringToDate
'*/Function: Convert date in string format to standard date format
'*/Return value: Date in standard format, such as 2016-09-12 10:12:27
'*/Parameter: vSerialDate string
'*/Date of establishment: 2016-09-12
'*/Date of modification:
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
Public Function StringToDate(ByRef vSerialDate As String) As Date'Standardize
Dim strDate As String, strYear As String, strMonth As String, strDay As String
Dim strHour As String, strMinute As String, strSecond As String
strYear = Mid(vSerialDate, 1, 4)
strMonth = Mid(vSerialDate, 5, 2)
strDay = Mid(vSerialDate, 7, 2)
strHour = Mid(vSerialDate, 9, 2)
strMinute = Mid(vSerialDate, 11, 2)
strSecond = Mid(vSerialDate, 13, 2)
strDate = strMonth&"/"&strDay&"/"&strYear&""&strHour&":"&strMinute&":"&strSecond
StringToDate = CDate(strDate)
End Function
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
'*/Function name: CalcDate
'*/Function: standard date format calculation
'*/Return value: String start time and end time calculation result
'*/Parameter: strStartDate start time
'*/ strEndDate end time
'*/Date of establishment: 2016-09-12
'*/Date of modification:
'*/----------------------------------------------- --------------
Public Function CalcDate(ByVal strStartDate As String, ByVal strEndDate As String) As String
Dim lngYears As Long, lngDays As Long, lngHours As Long, lngMinutes As Long, lngSeconds As Long
Dim dblYears As Double, dblDays As Double, dblHours As Double, dblMinutes As Double, dblSeconds As Double
Dim lngTotalSeconds As Long, lngSecondsRemaining As Long
'strStartDate = StringToDate(strStartDate)
'strEndDate = StringToDate(strEndDate)
If CDate(strStartDate) <CDate(strEndDate) Then
lngTotalSeconds = DateDiff("s", CDate(strStartDate), CDate(strEndDate))
lngTotalSeconds = DateDiff("s", CDate(strEndDate), CDate(strStartDate))
End If
lngSecondsRemaining = lngTotalSeconds
lngYears = Fix(lngSecondsRemaining / 31536000)
lngSecondsRemaining = lngSecondsRemaining-(lngYears * 31536000)
lngDays = Fix(lngSecondsRemaining / 86400)
lngSecondsRemaining = lngSecondsRemaining-(lngDays * 86400)
lngHours = Fix(lngSecondsRemaining / 3600)
lngSecondsRemaining = lngSecondsRemaining-(lngHours * 3600)
lngMinutes = Fix(lngSecondsRemaining / 60)
lngSecondsRemaining = lngSecondsRemaining-(lngMinutes * 60)
lngSeconds = lngSecondsRemaining
'CalcDate = CStr(lngYears)&"year," _
'&CStr(lngDays)&"days," _
'&CStr(lngHours)&"when," _
'&CStr(lngMinutes)&"points," _
CalcDate = IIf(lngDays = 0, "", CStr(lngDays)&"天") _
&IIf(lngHours = 0, "", CStr(lngHours)&"时") _
&IIf(lngMinutes = 0, "", CStr(lngMinutes)&"分") _
&IIf(lngSeconds = 0, "", CStr(lngSeconds)&"second")
'dblYears = Round(lngTotalSeconds / 31536000, 4)
'dblDays = Round(lngTotalSeconds / 86400, 4)
'dblHours = Round(lngTotalSeconds / 3600, 4)
'dblMinutes = Round(lngTotalSeconds / 60, 4)
'dblSeconds = lngTotalSeconds
'CalcDate = CalcDate&"Decimal time:"&vbNewLine _
'&"Year: "&CStr(dblYears)&vbNewLine _
'&"Day: "&CStr(dblDays)&vbNewLine _
'&"hour: "&CStr(dblHours)&vbNewLine _
'&"point: "&CStr(dblMinutes)&vbNewLine _
'&"second: "&CStr(dblSeconds)
End Function
'Whether to judge by month
Public Function DaysInMonth(ByVal Month As Integer, ByVal LeapYear As Boolean) As Integer
Select Case Month
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
DaysInMonth = 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
DaysInMonth = 30
Case 2
If LeapYear Then
DaysInMonth = 29
DaysInMonth = 28
End If
End Select
End Function
'Leap year judgment
Public Function IsLeapYear(ByVal Year As Integer) As Boolean
If Year Mod 4 = 0 Then
IsLeapYear = True
If Year Mod 100 = 0 And Year Mod 400 <> 0 Then
IsLeapYear = False
End If
End If
End Function |