I already know this problem.In fact, when creating a release, you don't choose to create a stored procedure. If you want to choose, you must write the stored procedure yourself.I just lost my head and thought the stored procedure was created automatically.
However, I have encountered a new problem. I will first see if I can solve it. If you have any knowledge, please let me know.
Error message: insert into "ll_a1" values (23720, '1111100001', 2015-11-24 11:47:39.577, 2015-11-22 16:12:20.000, '', '00:40:46 :51:63:8d', '','wmllqd.yeah.net/', 1,'', -100001, 0x65717774717774717774)
The previous command: Only when the list of columns is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON, can you specify an explicit value for the identity column in the table'll_a1'.
Error details: Only when the list of columns is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON, can you specify an explicit value for the identity column in the table'net_http'.
(Source: LVKY (data source); Error code: 8101) |