// Need to query the total number of items in Table 2 and the name ID number in Table 2 corresponds to the name display in Table 1 after query?
There is no clearing.If you are querying the total number of items, there is no Group condition.If you want to display the name corresponding to the name ID, you must have the Group condition.
select A. *, B. quantity from A
left join
select name ID number, quantity = sum (quantity) from B group by name ID number
) B on A. Name ID number = B. Name ID number
select A. name, A. name ID number, SUM (B. quantity) AS 'total', B. item name
FROM Table 1 A, Table 2 B
WHERE A. Name ID number = B. Name ID number
GROUP BY A. Name, A. Name ID number, B. Item name
select A. name, A. name ID number, SUM (B. quantity) AS 'total', B. item name
FROM table 1 A inner join table 2 B
on A. Name ID number = B. Name ID number
GROUP BY A. Name, A. Name ID number, B. Item name
select A. name, A. name ID number, SUM (B. quantity) AS'total', B. item name
FROM Table 1 A, Table 2 B
WHERE A. Name ID number = B. Name ID number
GROUP BY A. Name, A. Name ID number, B. Item name