The program syntax is correct, but the results are incorrect.
.model small
.stack 40h
namepar label byte
maxnlen db 21
namelen db?
namefld db 21 dup (?)
telpar label byte
telmaxlen db 9
tellen db?
telfld db 9 dup (?)
crlf db 13,10, '$'
endaddr dw?
messg1 db 'Input name:', '$'
messg2 db 'Input a telephone number:', '$'
messg3 db 'Do you want a telephone number? (Y / N)', 13,10, '$'
messg4 db 'name?', '$'
messg5 db 'name telphone', 13,10, '$'
namectr db 0
tel_tab db 50 dup (28 dup (''))
namesav db 20 dup (?), 13,10, '$'
telsav db 8 dup (?), 13,10, '$'
na_telsav db 28 dup (?), 13,10, '$'
swapped db 0
; ************************************************ *****************************
begin proc far
mov ax, @ data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
lea di, tel_tab
call input_name
call inphone
cmp namelen, 0
jz a30
cmp namectr, 50
je a30
call stor_name
call stor_tel
jmp a
cmp namectr, 1
jbe a40
call name_sort
call println
call name_search
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
; ************************************************ ****************************
input_name proc near
mov ah, 09
lea dx, messg1
int 21h
mov ah, 0ah
lea dx, namepar
int 21h
mov ah, 09
lea dx, crlf
int 21h
mov bh, 0
mov bl, namelen
mov cx, 21
sub cx, bx
b: mov namefld [bx], 20h
inc bx
loop b
input_name endp
; ************************************************ *****************************
stor_name proc near
inc namectr
lea si, namefld
mov cx, 10
rep movsw
stor_name endp
; ************************************************ *******************************
inphone proc near
mov ah, 09
lea dx, messg2
int 21h
mov ah, 0ah
lea dx, telpar
int 21h
mov ah, 09
lea dx, crlf
int 21h
mov bh, 0
mov bl, tellen
mov cx, 9
sub cx, bx
c: mov telfld [bx], 20h
inc bx
loop c
inphone endp
; ************************************************ **************************************
stor_tel proc near
lea si, telfld
mov cx, 4
rep movsw
stor_tel endp
; ************************************************ *************************************
name_sort proc near
sub di, 48
mov endaddr, di
mov swapped, 0
lea si, tel_tab
mov cx, 28
mov di, si
add di, 28
mov ax, di
mov bx, si
repe cmpsb
jbe g40
call chg
mov si, ax
cmp si, endaddr
jbe g30
cmp swapped, 0
jnz g20
name_sort endp
; ************************************************ **************************************
chg proc near
mov cx, 14
lea di, na_telsav
mov si, bx
rep movsw
mov cx, 14
mov di, bx
rep movsw
mov cx, 14
lea si, na_telsav
rep movsw
mov swapped, 1
chg endp
; ************************************************ ***********************************************
name_search proc near
mov ah, 09
lea dx, messg3
int 21h
mov ah, 01
int 21h
cmp al, 'N'
jz exit
cmp al, 'n'
jz exit
mov ah, 09
lea dx, messg4
int 21h
call input_name
lea di, tel_tab
lea si, namefld
mov cx, 20
repz cmpsb
jz equal
add di, 8
jmp comp
mov cx, 8
mov si, di
lea di, telsav
rep movsb
mov ah, 09
lea dx, telsav
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
name_search endp
; ************************************************ **************************************
println proc near
mov ah, 09
lea dx, messg5
int 21h
lea si, tel_tab
lea di, na_telsav
mov cx, 14
rep movsw
mov ah, 9
lea dx, na_telsav
int 21h
dec namectr
jnz k20
println endp
; ************************************************ ***********************************************
end begin |