<form id = "form1" runat = "server">
<asp: ValidationSummary ID = "valSum" runat = "server"
DisplayMode = "List"
Font-Name = "verdana"
Font-Size = "12" EnableClientScript = "False" ValidationGroup = "gp1"
<br />
<asp: TextBox ID = "TextBox1" runat = "server" ValidationGroup = "gp1"> </ asp: TextBox> <asp: RequiredFieldValidator
ID = "RequiredFieldValidator1"
runat = "server"
ErrorMessage = "error1"
Display = "Dynamic"
Font-Size = "12"
ControlToValidate = "TextBox1" EnableClientScript = "False" ValidationGroup = "gp1"> *
</ asp: RequiredFieldValidator>
<br />
<asp: TextBox ID = "TextBox2" runat = "server" ValidationGroup = "gp1"> </ asp: TextBox> <asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID = "RequiredFieldValidator2" runat = "server" ControlToValidate = "TextBox2"
ErrorMessage = "error2" EnableClientScript = "False" ValidationGroup = "gp1"> * </ asp: RequiredFieldValidator>
<br />
<br /> <asp: Button ID = "Button1" runat = "server" Text = "Button" ValidationGroup = "gp1" CausesValidation = "False" /> <br />
<br />
<asp: ValidationSummary ID = "ValidationSummary1" runat = "server"
DisplayMode = "List"
Font-Name = "verdana"
Font-Size = "12" EnableClientScript = "False" ValidationGroup = "gp2"
<br />
<asp: TextBox ID = "TextBox3" runat = "server" ValidationGroup = "gp2"> </ asp: TextBox> <asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID = "RequiredFieldValidator3" runat = "server" ControlToValidate = "TextBox3"
Display = "Dynamic" EnableClientScript = "False" ErrorMessage = "error3" Font-Size = "12" ValidationGroup = "gp2"> *
</ asp: RequiredFieldValidator> <br />
<br /> <asp: Button ID = "Button2" runat = "server" Text = "Button" ValidationGroup = "gp2" /> <br />
<br />
<br />
<asp: Button ID = "Button3" runat = "server" Text = "Button" />
</ form>
Defined 2 Groups
Now click Button1 to check gp1
Now click Button2 to do gp2 check
I want to do gp1 and gp2 check at the same time
But the message is in a different ValidationSummary
How to achieve it?
Or if I don't distinguish gp and do all checks on the screen at the same time, how can I get the error information of the check on my own in different areas of the screen? |