1. I put a checkbox all-selected column in gridview, but after running, the column is not displayed
code show as below
<asp: GridView ID = "gvComUnion" runat = "server" AllowPaging = "True" AutoGenerateColumns = "False"
BackColor = "White" BorderColor = "# 3366CC" BorderStyle = "Solid" BorderWidth = "1px"
CellPadding = "4" Font-Size = "12px" HorizontalAlign = "Left" OnPageIndexChanging = "gvParty_PageIndexChanging"
OnRowEditing = "gvParty_RowEditing" PageSize = "15" Width = "556px" OnRowDataBound = "gvParty_RowDataBound" OnLoad = "gvParty_Load" OnRowCreated = "gvParty_RowCreated" Font-Names = "宋体" OnSelectedIndexChanged = "gvComUnion_SelectedIndexd
<PagerSettings FirstPageText = "FirstPage" LastPageText = "Last Page" Mode = "NextPreviousFirstLast"
NextPageText = "Next Page" PreviousPageText = "Previous Page" />
<FooterStyle BackColor = "#EFEFEF" ForeColor = "# 000D47" />
<asp: TemplateField>
<asp: CheckBox ID = "CheckBox1" runat = "server" Text = "Select All" AutoPostBack = "true" OnCheckedChanged = "CheckAll" />
</ HeaderTemplate>
<asp: CheckBox ID = "ItemCheckBox" runat = "server" />
</ ItemTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: BoundField DataField = "COMID" HeaderText = "Member ID" />
<asp: BoundField DataField = "COMNAME" HeaderText = "unit name" />
<asp: BoundField DataField = "COMINLOW" HeaderText = "ownership" />
<asp: BoundField DataField = "BUSINESS" HeaderText = "Industry" />
<asp: BoundField DataField = "DISTRICT" HeaderText = "located area" />
<asp: BoundField DataField = "STATUS" HeaderText = "Status" />
<asp: CommandField EditText = "Details" HeaderText = "Details" ShowEditButton = "True" />
</ Columns>
<RowStyle ForeColor = "# 003399" HorizontalAlign = "Center" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor = "# 003399" Font-Bold = "True" ForeColor = "# CCFF99" />
<PagerStyle BackColor = "# EFEFEF" ForeColor = "# 003399" HorizontalAlign = "Right" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor = "# 003399" BorderStyle = "None" Font-Bold = "True" ForeColor = "White" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor = "# EFEFEF" />
</ asp: GridView>
Question 2;
The reference code is as follows
<input id = "Text1" type = "text" onclick = "return showCalendar ('Text1', 'y-mm-dd');" onfocus = "return showCalendar ('Text1', 'y-mm-dd') ; "/> No line breaks here <img src =" ../ images / 1.gif "alt =" select date "width =" 25px "height =" 21px "style =" CURSOR: hand "onclick =" return showCalendar ('Text1', 'y-mm-dd'); "/>
Which cannot be newline, otherwise the operation is invalid, I do not know why |