Need to be an inter-operating system of database content, two databases pass data in xml format, update each other, ready to use soap to do
The soap package is in xml format,
I want to do the following:
1. Complete the following format message structure
<EMIF_MsgId> AB1058CD ... </ EMIF_MsgId>
<EMIF_Date> 19990218 </ EMIF_Date>
<EMIF_Time Zone = "UTC + 08: 00"> 08:39:40 </ EMIF_Time>
<EMIF_AuthenticationLevel> 2 </ EMIF_AuthenticationLevel>
<EMIF_EncryptionLevel> 3 </ EMIF_EncryptionLevel>
</ EMIF_SecureChannel>
</ EMIF_Security>
<EMIF_SourceId> BNULIB </ EMIF_SourceId>
</ EMIF_Header>
<EMIF_OriginalSourceId> BNUSIS </ EMIF_OriginalSourceId>
<EMIF_OriginalMsgId> 1298ACEF ... </ EMIF_OriginalMsgId>
<EMIF_Code> 0 </ EMIF_Code>
<EMIF_Request> .... </ EMIF_Request>
</ EMIF_Data>
</ EMIF_Status>
</ EMIF_Ack>
2. Send the constructed message out
3.I want to receive this message and parse the message to get data and analyze it,
How can I receive this complete soap packet?
How does this work under .net?
Please enlighten me masters! |