Some parts in the XML file are as follows:
<WorksheetOptions xmlns = "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: office: excel">
<Unsynced />
</ WorksheetOptions>
I now want to remove <Unsynced />
Then add the setting of <PageSetup>, the desired effect is as follows:
<WorksheetOptions xmlns = "urn: schemas-microsoft-com: office: excel">
<Header x: Margin = "0.51181102362204722" />
<Footer x: Margin = "0.51181102362204722" />
<PageMargins x: Bottom = "0.98425196850393704" x: Left = "0.78740157480314965"
x: Right = "0.47244094488188981" x: Top = "0.98425196850393704" />
</ WorksheetOptions>
Now ask everyone, thank you for your help! |