The following program is the curriculum design in Wang Shuang's compilation. I wrote it n times and changed it for several days, but it always failed to achieve the desired result. May I ask which master is wrong?
Program tasks:
Display the following data on the screen
Year Annual total income Number of employees Per capita income
1975 16 3?
1976 22 7?
1977 382 9?
1978 1356 13?
1979 2390 28?
1980 8000 38?
1981 16000 130?
1982 24486 220?
1983 50065 476?
1984 97479 778?
1985 140417 1001?
1986 197514 1442?
1987 345980 2258?
1988 590827 2793?
1989 803530 4037?
1990 1183000 5635?
1991 1843000 8226?
1992 2759000 11542?
1993 3753000 14430?
1994 4649000 15257?
1995 5937000 17800?
assume cs: code
data segment
db '1975', '1976', '1977', '1978', '1979', '1980', '1981', '1982'
db '1983', '1984', '1985', '1986', '1987', '1988', '1989', '1990'
db '1991', '1992', '1993', '1994', '1995', 0
The above are 21 strings representing 21 years
dd 16,22,382,1356,2390,8000,16000,24486
dd 50065,97479,140417,197514,345980,590827,803530,1183000
dd 1843000,2759000,3753000,4649000,5937000
The above is 21 dword-type data representing the company's total revenue in 21 years
dw 3,7,9,13,28,38,130,220
dw 476,778,1001,1442,2258,2793,4037,5635
dw 8226,11542,14430,15257,17800
The above is 21 word data representing the number of employees in the company for 21 years
data ends
tempdata segment
db 8 dup (0)
tempdata ends
code segment
start: mov ax, data
mov ds, ax; send data segment address to ds
mov ax, 0b800h
mov es, ax; send the video memory base address to es
sub cx, cx; clear cx to 0
mov bx, 0; point the data segment data offset address to data: 0
mov di, 0; point the memory offset to b800: 0
mov si, 0; employee address offset
throwout: mov cl, ds: [bx]
jcxz finished; Check whether the data is displayed, if it is finished
mov dl, 02h
mov al, ds: [bx]
mov es: [di], al
mov es: [di + 1], dl; send the first character of the year field to the video memory es: [di]
mov al, ds: [bx + 1]
mov es: [di + 2], al
mov es: [di + 3], dl; send the second character of the year field to the video memory es: [di + 2]
mov al, ds: [bx + 2]
mov es: [di + 4], al
mov es: [di + 5], dl; send the third character of the year field to the video memory es: [di + 4]
mov al, ds: [bx + 3]
mov es: [di + 6], al
mov es: [di + 7], dl; send the fourth character of the year field to the video memory es: [di + 6]
mov ax, ds: [bx + 55h]
mov dx, ds: [bx + 57h]; send the total income field dd to the register dx (higher 16 bits), ax (lower 16 bits)
mov bp, 32; point offset address to first cell address in total revenue field
call dtoc; call the subroutine dtoc, and send the total revenue field to the video memory es: [sp + di]
mov ax, ds: [si + 0a9h]
mov dx, 0; send employee field dw to register ax
call getbp; call the subroutine getbp to calculate the starting address of the employee field of each record in the video memory
call dtoc; call subroutine dtoc, send employee field to video memory es: [sp + di]
mov ax, ds: [bx + 55h]
mov dx, ds: [bx + 57h]
mov cx, bx
mov bx, ds: [si + 0a9h]; send the total income field dd to the register dx (high 16 bits), ax (low 16 bits), and send the employee field dw to the register bx
call divdw; call subroutine divdw, calculate the value of per capita income
mov bx, cx
mov cx, 0
call getbp; call the subroutine getbp to calculate the starting address of the per capita income field of each record in the video memory
call dtoc; call subroutine dtoc, and send the per capita income field to video memory es: [sp + di]
add bx, 4
add si, 2
add di, 160; the above 3 sentences are prepared for storing data in the next cycle
jmp throwout; if the data is not displayed, jump to throwout to enter the next cycle
finished: mov ax, 4c00h; After the data is displayed, dos is returned.
int 21h
; The following is the subroutine dtoc, function: convert digital data into characters and send it to video memory; parameters: dd data (transmitted by ax, dx), the offset bp, di of each record in video memory Returns: the offset bp of each record in video memory, preparing for the next field
dtoc: push si
push ds
push bx
push cx
mov si, 0
mov bx, tempdata
mov ds, bx
s: mov cx, ax
jcxz ok
mov bx, 0ah
call divdw
add cl, 30h
mov ds: [si], cl
inc si
jmp s
ok: mov bh, 02h
mov cx, si
a: mov bl, ds: [si]
mov es: [bp + di], bl
mov es: [bp + di + 1], bh
sub si, 1
add bp, 2
loop a
pop cx
pop bx
pop ds
pop si
The following is the subroutine divdw, which calculates the quotient and remainder of two values
divdw: push si; ax, dx, bx ax, dx, cx
push ax
mov ax, dx
mov dx, 0
div bx
mov si, ax
pop ax
div bx
mov cx, dx
mov dx, si
pop si
The following is the value of the subroutine getbp, offset bp
getbp: push ax; bp bp
push bx
mov ax, bp
mov bx, 0
mov bl, 32
div bl
sub bl, ah
add bp, bx
pop bx
pop ax
code ends
end start |