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Use the following code to support the mouse wheel in DBGRID, but after selecting multiple records, the focus will be los lintianc 2020-1-20 11143 supperman 2020-5-10 11:15
How does listview know, which column is the mouse click?  ...2 woshibate 2020-1-30 114887 woshibate 2020-5-2 13:15
Excuse me: How does the variable qianwei in the currency conversion program play a judgment role? woshipapa 2020-1-25 51189 7677u67 2020-4-29 17:45
dll parameter contains structure, how to call Ankoku 2020-2-16 31192 Ankoku 2020-4-28 21:15
Sorting problem hmthjc 2020-2-14 31256 njmumu 2020-4-28 15:30
Chinese display is incomplete when inserting updated data 166609454 2020-1-26 41162 166609454 2020-4-13 19:45
cxgrid problem gpspda 2020-1-10 51301 zy_1306 2020-4-5 16:15
How to draw a closed curve with Tchart? zzxha0809 2020-2-3 41211 tonnywoo 2020-4-4 18:00
Text deduplication algorithm problem ~~ Please give pointers  ...23 yunshenxin 2020-1-31 275036 yunshenxin 2020-4-4 15:15
How to encapsulate communications? 8220318 2020-2-5 11034 1231456 2020-4-3 08:30
tree view problem uppower 2020-1-5 41374 suyongyu 2020-3-31 12:51
Questions about Filter fgtr1230 2020-2-5 41304 fgtr1230 2020-3-30 22:45
What container should I use when designing a multiple choice program? xiaobai_11 2020-1-25 71252 stevevai 2020-3-28 17:30
dbedit calculation problem  ...2 zxchy135 2020-2-1 193574 stevevai 2020-3-28 11:30
mediaplayer1 puts the wav file for two minutes. Think about how to write from half. likewater 2020-1-26 11181 stevevai 2020-3-25 12:30
After opening the page in WebBrowser, to click a button, how to achieve it, please advise! 饕餮之痒 2020-1-28 21218 Guderian 2020-3-17 17:30
Help: confusing 1899 issue in statements 8891435 2020-1-10 61453 ares15 2020-3-14 06:15
Can help me solve winsocket + timer implementation of timing link test package (with source code and test server)  ...2 wayne206 2020-1-26 101764 wayne206 2020-3-12 19:45
How to judge the previous record is the last one? ekinzou 2020-1-30 31085 飘渺牧英雄 2020-3-12 07:00
How does qreport print two identical reports camille 2020-1-27 31127 baicai85 2020-3-11 09:30
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