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Is the Microsoft Office Chart component an OWC control? I'm a WinForm program, so shouldn't I use this control to draw linxiaoga 2020-1-11 31244 shuyang002 2020-8-30 15:30
(Urgent !!) The problem of crystal report packaging! 白金游侠zero 2020-2-8 31366 123xiaodong 2020-8-30 15:00
The GridView control displays nicely when there is data in the data source, but once there is no record, it is empty and wanderwb 2020-2-22 71557 angelin 2020-8-29 21:15
Get client screenshot and upload  ...2 chenx0511 2020-1-10 112260 chenx0511 2020-8-29 18:15
Radio or radiobutton radio in GridView? ? ? ? 奥斯卡影刃 2020-3-18 91717 sfl9178 2020-8-28 10:15
Does anyone know the problem, how to convert the data source in GridView to DataTable 变脸天使 2020-3-7 81767 lhg2772 2020-8-28 06:45
detailview is not displayed without data yfchian 2020-2-22 41264 xiaoyueru 2020-8-27 23:15
How to make Form1's TextBox1 get the value in Form2's TextBox1 紫之风 2020-1-15 71375 xxx5505 2020-8-27 23:00
C # how to read the BLOB value from SQL. . . Who can teach me. . . 流浪小夏 2020-1-10 71563 cmc_1000 2020-8-27 20:00
Ask a question on how to calculate costs?  ...2 qtreqytqy 2020-1-7 102287 Andead 2020-8-27 15:45
Help bind the database in the GridView and update it? 水蓝的牧师 2020-1-3 71626 ysangel 2020-8-27 15:00
Can masters embed C language into C #  ...234 zero9999 2020-1-26 307957 jiqiping 2020-8-27 09:45
How to get all the values ​​of all select controls wingking6 2020-1-19 71445 xzq3916279 2020-8-27 08:45
What is the difference in the writing of these two types of database query statements? loryiori 2020-1-4 91505 caokongpigq 2020-8-26 21:30
DataGrid implements multiple selection across pages. Where can I save the selected value? ? ? sn2kkkk 2020-1-14 61295 chinaiori 2020-8-26 21:15
Turn to static problem, use a function, error: the underlying connection is closed: this remote name cannot be resolved geminibo 2020-1-21 81618 暗夜孤魂 2020-8-26 20:45
What is a component? What are controls? chen1984ke 2020-1-27 81530 coldcold 2020-8-26 19:45
Post site prompt "Access is denied" ?! yankie 2020-3-6 21236 bonecy 2020-8-26 19:30
Unable to get the value in the TextBox in the GridView template column, which expert helps to see. mariojenas 2020-1-3 61080 momotalo 2020-8-26 16:45
Delete database records under datagrid duduchen 2020-2-19 41268 herovs 2020-8-26 16:00
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