The number is declared as
void CDib :: LoadFile (const char * dibFileName);
CStrig finame;
Questions are as follows
CDib c;
CFileDialog dlg (true, "*. Bmp", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "256 bmp Files (* .bmp) | * .bmp ||", NULL);
if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal ())
filename.Format ("% s", dlg.GetPathName ());
c.LoadFile (filename);
can be completed
What is the structure of CStrig?
If you use one sentence
c.LoadFile ("c:\XX.bmp");
The file cannot be loaded
Why is that?
Why can't the bmp file generated with the brush be used?
CFile dibFile (m_fileName, CFile :: modeRead);
What does this sentence mean
filename.Format ("% s", dlg.GetPathName ());
What does this sentence mean
CFileDialog dlg (true, "*. Bmp", NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "256 bmp Files (* .bmp) | * .bmp ||", NULL);
What does this sentence mean
file.WriteHuge ((LPSTR) m_pDemH, DemHeader.iDemX * DemHeader.iDemY * sizeof (int));
What does this mean, what is the difference between file.WriteHuge and file.Write?
What is the difference between HDC, CDC, HWND?
How to display the split window frame is to have a main view and a sub view, like in cs, the sub view can provide some other information.
In order to get started quickly, these questions may be asked a little white, but I still hope that the heroes answer carefully. I'm afraid I can't understand. |