In earlier versions of Visual C++, the compiler used a large number of discrete heaps, each with certain limits. The compiler can now dynamically increase the heap as needed, only requiring the size of the memory allocated to the precompiled header to be fixed. Only in very few cases involving very large or very complex programs will the heap size limit of the precompiled header be exceeded. If the program exceeds these limits, use /Zm to adjust the total size of all limits.
In most cases, this compiler option is not required. Use this option if an error message appears while compiling the program, and the error message reports the value that /Zm should have.
Set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment
Open the "Property Page" dialog box for this project. For details, see How to: Open the project property page.
Click the "C/C++" folder.
Click the "Command Line" property page.
Type compiler options in the Additional Options box. |