QBColor function
Returns a Long, the RGB code used to represent the corresponding number of colors.
The color argument is necessary. It is an integer between 0 and 15.
Set value
The color parameter has the following settings:
Value color value color
0 black 8 gray
1 blue 9 light blue
2 green 10 light green
3 Cyan 11 Light blue
4 red 12 light red
5 fuchsia 13 light fuchsia
6 yellow 14 light yellow
7 light gray 15 white
The color parameter represents: the color value used in the earlier versions of Basic (such as Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS and Basic Compiler), starting from the least significant byte, the return value will become the relevant color used by VBA The value is the value representing the three primary colors of red, green, and blue in the RGB system. |