'Print paper related properties
Public Type PaperRegion_sq
Width As Double 'Print paper width
Height As Double 'Paper height
LeftMargin As Double 'Left Margin
RightMargin As Double 'Right Margin
TopMargin As Double 'Top Margin
BottomMargin As Double 'Bottom Margin
Left As Double
Right As Double
Top As Double
Bottom As Double
End Type
'Set Shaker paper to the specified size, unit: mm
'Shaker paper this FormName should exist, no check here
Public Function UsePaper (pWidth As Double, pHeight As Double, Optional ByRef ErrMsg As String) As Long
'Tested under WinXP
Dim aFI1 () As Byte, sFI1 As sFORM_INFO_1, FormName As String
Dim PrinterName As String, hPrinter As Long
Dim nSize As Long, pDevMode As DEVMODE, aDevMode () As Byte
PrinterName = Printer.DeviceName
FormName = "Shaker Paper" 'Select the server properties in the control panel-printer and fax's file menu when testing, add a format called Shaker paper, the size is arbitrary
With sFI1
.Flags = 0
.PName = FormName
.Size.cx = pWidth * 1000
.Size.cy = pHeight * 1000
.ImageableArea.Left = 0
.ImageableArea.Top = 0
.ImageableArea.Right = pWidth * 1000
.ImageableArea.Bottom = pHeight * 1000
End With
If OpenPrinter (PrinterName, hPrinter, 0&) = 0 Then GoTo ErrHandle
'Modify custom paper
ReDim aFI1 (Len (sFI1))
Call CopyMemory (aFI1 (0), sFI1, Len (sFI1))
If SetForm (hPrinter, FormName, 1, aFI1 (0)) = 0 Then GoTo ErrHandle
'Update Printer
nSize = DocumentProperties (0, hPrinter, PrinterName, 0&, 0&, 0&)
ReDim aDevMode (1 To nSize)
nSize = DocumentProperties (0, hPrinter, PrinterName, aDevMode (1), 0&, DM_OUT_BUFFER)
Call CopyMemory (pDevMode, aDevMode (1), Len (pDevMode))
pDevMode.dmFormName = FormName&Chr (0) 'Must end with NULL! !!
pDevMode.dmFields = DM_FORMNAME 'Set the dmFields flag
Call CopyMemory (aDevMode (1), pDevMode, Len (pDevMode))
nSize = DocumentProperties (0, hPrinter, PrinterName, aDevMode (1), aDevMode (1), DM_IN_BUFFER Or DM_OUT_BUFFER)
nSize = ResetDC (Printer.hDC, aDevMode (1))
ClosePrinter (hPrinter) 'Close the printer
Call GetPaperRegion (vbMillimeters) 'Here there is a problem with the value of GetPaperRegion, described later
UsePaper = -1
Exit Function
ErrMsg = Err.LastDllError
Exit Function
End Function
'Return to the default printer preferred paper information
Public Function GetPaperRegion (Optional pScaleMode As ScaleModeConstants = vbPixels) As PaperRegion_sq
With GetPaperRegion
.Width = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH)
.Height = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT)
.LeftMargin = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX)
.TopMargin = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY)
.RightMargin = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH)-GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, HORZRES)-GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX)
.BottomMargin = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT)-GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, VERTRES)-GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY)
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
.Right = .LeftMargin + GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, HORZRES)
.Bottom = .TopMargin + GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, VERTRES)
End With
If pScaleMode = vbPixels Then Exit Function
Dim x As Double, y As Double
'First convert to inches and then to other units
x = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, LOGPIXELSX): y = GetDeviceCaps (Printer.hDC, LOGPIXELSY)
With GetPaperRegion
.Width = .Width / x
.Height = .Height / y
.LeftMargin = .LeftMargin / x
.TopMargin = .TopMargin / y
.RightMargin = .RightMargin / x
.BottomMargin = .BottomMargin / y
.Right = .Right / x
.Bottom = .Bottom / y
End With
If pScaleMode = vbInches Then Exit Function
With GetPaperRegion
.Width = Printer.ScaleX (.Width, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.Height = Printer.ScaleY (.Height, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.LeftMargin = Printer.ScaleX (.LeftMargin, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.TopMargin = Printer.ScaleY (.TopMargin, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.RightMargin = Printer.ScaleX (.RightMargin, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.BottomMargin = Printer.ScaleY (.BottomMargin, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.Right = Printer.ScaleX (.Right, vbInches, pScaleMode)
.Bottom = Printer.ScaleY (.Bottom, vbInches, pScaleMode)
End With
End Function
After performing ResetDC in UsePaper, observe the width and height through the GetPaperRegion function, and found that it can be customized for LQ1600K and not for Lenovo laser printer Lj2500, but the correct DC value is returned.
When exiting UsePaper, observe the width and height through the GetPaperRegion function, and find that it has become the default paper size again. Without exiting the process, observe the printing preferences of the LQ1600K and find that the default printing paper has not changed at all. |