1. (C #):
// Add to the definition part of the class
private static string [] cstr = {"zero", "one", "贰", "three", "three", "wu", "lu", "柒", "捌", "玖"};
private static string [] wstr = {"", "", "pick up", "bai", "仟", "wan", "pick up", "bai", "仟", "billion", "pick up, "百", "仟"};
// A string whose number must be within a 12-digit integer
// Call method such as: Label1.Text = ConvertInt ("numeric string");
public string ConvertInt (string str)
int len = str.Length;
int i;
string tmpstr, rstr;
rstr = "";
for (i = 1; i <= len; i ++)
tmpstr = str.Substring (len-i, 1);
rstr = string.Concat (cstr [Int32.Parse (tmpstr)] + wstr [i], rstr);
rstr = rstr.Replace ("pick up", "pick up");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("Zero Pickup", "Zero");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("零 百", "零");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("零 仟", "zero");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("zero million", "million");
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i ++)
rstr = rstr.Replace ("zero zero", "zero");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("Zero million", "Zero");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("billion", "billion");
rstr = rstr.Replace ("zero zero", "zero");
rstr + = "rounded";
return rstr;
ASP code to convert case amount
dim a 'Amount to be converted to upper case
dim atoc 'converted value
Dim String1 'as defined below
Dim String2 'as defined below
Dim String3 'The value taken from the original A value
Dim I 'loop variable
Dim J 'A value multiplied by 100 string length
Dim Ch1 'Numbers in Chinese
Dim Ch2 'Digital Chinese Characters
Dim nZero 'is used to calculate the continuous zero value is several
String1 = "零 一 贰 三 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖"
String2 = "One hundred million dollars One hundred million dollars One hundred million dollars One thousand yuan points"
nZero = 0
If InStr (1, CStr (a * 100), ".") <> 0 Then
err.Raise 5000,, "This function (AtoC ()) can only convert numbers with less than two decimal places!"
End If
J = Len (CStr (a * 100))
String2 = Right (String2, J) 'Remove the value of STRING2 with the corresponding number of digits
For I = 1 To J
String3 = Mid (a * 100, I, 1) 'Remove the value of a bit to be converted
If I <> (J-3) + 1 And I <> (J-7) + 1 And I <> (J-11) + 1 And I <> (J-15) + 1 Then
If String3 = 0 Then
Ch1 = ""
Ch2 = ""
nZero = nZero + 1
ElseIf String3 <> 0 And nZero <> 0 Then
Ch1 = "zero"&Mid (String1, clng (String3) + 1, 1)
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
nZero = 0
Ch1 = Mid (String1, clng (String3) + 1, 1)
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
nZero = 0
End If
Else 'This bit is the key bit of trillion, billion, million, yuan, etc.
If String3 <> 0 And nZero <> 0 Then
Ch1 = "zero"&Mid (String1, clng (String3) + 1, 1)
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
nZero = 0
ElseIf String3 <> 0 And nZero = 0 Then
Ch1 = Mid (String1, clng (String3) + 1, 1)
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
nZero = 0
ElseIf String3 = 0 And nZero> = 3 Then
Ch1 = ""
Ch2 = ""
nZero = nZero + 1
Ch1 = ""
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
nZero = nZero + 1
End If
If I = (J-11) + 1 Or I = (J-3) + 1 Then 'If the bit is a billion or a bit, you must write
Ch2 = Mid (String2, I, 1)
End If
End If
AtoC = AtoC&Ch1&Ch2
If I = J And String3 = 0 Then 'When the last digit (point) is 0, add "whole"
AtoC = AtoC&"Whole"
End If
if a = 0 then
atoc = "零 元 整"
end if
<!-# include file = common.asp->
dim tmpnum
'Lower case amount from the first page
tmpnum = request ("page1num")
'Call and display capitalized amount
response.write rmb (cdbl (tmpnum))
Function rmb (num)
num = FormatNumber (num, 2)
Dim numList
Dim rmbList
Dim numLen
Dim numChar
Dim numstr
Dim n
Dim n1, n2
Dim hz
numList = "零 一 贰 三 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖"
rmbList = "Diagonal Yuan Shi Bai Shi Wan Shi Bai Shi Wan Shi Bai Shi Wan Bai Shi Wan Wan"
If num> 9999999999999.99 Then
rmb = "Out of range RMB value"
Exit Function
End If
numstr = CStr (num * 100)
numLen = Len (numstr)
n = 1
Do While n <= numLen
numChar = CInt (Mid (numstr, n, 1))
n1 = Mid (numList, numChar + 1, 1)
n2 = Mid (rmbList, numLen-n + 1, 1)
If Not n1 = "zero" Then
hz = hz + CStr (n1) + CStr (n2)
If n2 = "billion" Or n2 = "million" Or n2 = "yuan" Or n1 = "zero" Then
Do While Right (hz, 1) = "zero"
hz = Left (hz, Len (hz)-1)
End If
If (n2 = "billion" Or (n2 = "million" And Right (hz, 1) <> "billion") Or n2 = "yuan") Then
hz = hz + CStr (n2)
If Left (Right (hz, 2), 1) = "zero" Or Right (hz, 1) <> "billion" Then
hz = hz + n1
End If
End If
End If
n = n + 1
Do While Right (hz, 1) = "zero"
hz = Left (hz, Len (hz)-1)
If Right (hz, 1) = "Yuan" Then
hz = hz + "whole"
End If
rmb = hz
End Function
This version solves the problem that the decimal place cannot reach the point, and the processing method conforms to the accounting method!
A completely error-free version of the amount of case conversion
<!-# include file = common.asp->
dim tmpnum
'Lower case amount from the first page
tmpnum = request ("page1num")
'Call and display capitalized amount
response.write rmb (cdbl (tmpnum))
A completely error-free version of the amount of case conversion
<!-# include file = common.asp->
dim tmpnum
'Lower case amount from the first page
tmpnum = request ("page1num")
'Call and display capitalized amount
response.write rmb (cdbl (tmpnum))
Function rmb (num)
num = FormatNumber (num, 2)
Dim numList
Dim rmbList
Dim numLen
Dim numChar
Dim numstr
Dim n
Dim n1, n2
Dim hz
numList = "零 一 贰 三 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖"
rmbList = "Diagonal Yuan Shi Bai Shi Wan Shi Bai Shi Wan Shi Bai Shi Wan Bai Shi Wan Wan"
If num> 9999999999999.99 Then
rmb = "Out of range RMB value"
Exit Function
End If
numstr = CStr (num * 100)
numLen = Len (numstr)
n = 1
Do While n <= numLen
numChar = CInt (Mid (numstr, n, 1))
n1 = Mid (numList, numChar + 1, 1)
n2 = Mid (rmbList, numLen-n + 1, 1)
If Not n1 = "zero" Then
hz = hz + CStr (n1) + CStr (n2)
If n2 = "billion" Or n2 = "million" Or n2 = "yuan" Or n1 = "zero" Then
Do While Right (hz, 1) = "zero"
hz = Left (hz, Len (hz)-1)
End If
If (n2 = "billion" Or (n2 = "million" And Right (hz, 1) <> "billion") Or n2 = "yuan") Then
hz = hz + CStr (n2)
If Left (Right (hz, 2), 1) = "zero" Or Right (hz, 1) <> "billion" Then
hz = hz + n1
End If
End If
End If
n = n + 1
Do While Right (hz, 1) = "zero"
hz = Left (hz, Len (hz)-1)
If Right (hz, 1) = "Yuan" Then
hz = hz + "whole"
End If
rmb = hz
End Function
<% function Money (thenumber)
dim Money, i, String1, String2, length, checkp´ define variables
dim one (), onestr ()´ define array
String1 = "零 一 贰 三 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖"
String2 = "One hundred million dollars, one hundred million dollars, one hundred million dollars, one hundred and twenty cents"
checkp = instr (thenumber, ".")´ determine whether it contains decimal places
if checkp <> 0 then
thenumber = replace (thenumber, ".", "")´ remove decimal places
end if
length = len (thenumber)´ Get data length
redim one (length-1)´ redefine array size
redim onestr (length-1)´ redefine array size
for i = 0 to length-1
one (i) = mid (thenumber, i + 1,1)´ get each digit
one (i) = mid (string1, one (i) +1,1)´ loop to get the uppercase corresponding to the number
if checkp = 0 then
´ data without decimals corresponding to the unit of number
onestr (i) = mid (string2,14-length + i, 1)
´ data containing decimals and its corresponding unit
onestr (i) = mid (string2,15-length + i + len (thenumber) -checkp, 1)
end if
one (i) = one (i)&onestr (i)´ combine numbers and units
Money = replace (join (one), "", "")´ Get all elements in the array and connect them
Money = replace (Money, "Zero", "Yuan")
Money = replace (Money, "Zero million", "Million")
Money = replace (Money, "billion", "billion")
Money = replace (Money, "零 仟", "零")
Money = replace (Money, "零 百", "零")
Money = replace (Money, "Zero Pickup", "Zero")
do while not instr (Money, "Zero Zero") = 0
Money = replace (Money, "zero zero", "zero")
response.write Money´ show results
end function
%> |