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VB Today: 0|Threads: 190|Rank: 24 

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How to hide the mouse pointer, using ShowCursor only works in this program, I want to work in the entire desktop, thank 1区卡扎克lm 2020-3-1 41173 wanlyou 2020-8-14 08:00
excel_app.ActiveWorkbook.Save How to not prompt save box 燕无惧 2020-2-8 21062 天堂草 2020-8-12 14:30
A similar QQ list control 上帝的拖鞋 2020-3-11 51311 追梦神童 2020-8-11 11:30
I would like to ask how to do QQ instant communication with vb (see my code) wowardxka8 2020-2-18 81514 边走边爱 2020-8-10 17:45
VB programmers, let's talk about reusing code.  ...2 elucernd 2020-2-17 134007 minlichao 2020-8-10 14:00
Help: vb save data to Excel, is there a quick way! ~  ...2 hataki 2020-3-17 123390 hataki 2020-8-9 08:30
How to convert data entered in textbox to money type in vb + sql server  ...2 lovecjy01 2020-2-8 133970 wufuyi 2020-8-8 12:45
How to restore the database in VB liyijeans 2020-1-3 31066 liyijeans 2020-8-8 09:30
Ask a question about Excel's VBA programming interface about custom form names w_yuliang 2020-3-15 41200 hxl_zorro 2020-8-6 12:30
Why is there an error when passing parameters? nymphetamine 2020-3-11 61265 siyonggang 2020-8-5 23:45
About sql take maximum date alleen 2020-1-30 41138 alleen 2020-8-5 11:30
How to send information to foxmail New Post 0aijiuaile 2020-8-3 0666 0aijiuaile 2020-8-3 23:00
Is there any way to turn "1" into ‘one’? nymphetamine 2020-2-1 91574 0aijiuaile 2020-8-3 22:58
Ask a question, also about DATAGRiD sxw1980 2020-1-6 71262 sxw1980 2020-8-3 12:45
Who can provide such a registration machine can only be downloaded once and used once!  ...2 cjly01 2020-1-7 134271 colour220 2020-7-29 19:45
Finding a SQL statement that is not difficult dark_paladin201 2020-3-11 61237 jcsexy 2020-7-28 17:00
There are 100 typical Chinese-style reports, how to do it, what to use, and how long does it take?  ...2 ptrooper 2020-3-15 133268 canshang 2020-7-27 09:30
Seek expert guidance for inter-program communication verafrank 2020-1-7 81226 verafrank 2020-7-21 15:30
How to make the effect of form pull-down retraction thor5108 2020-1-26 61209 cjly01 2020-7-21 09:00
How to insert the image in the image control into the excel table? wanzhuxyu 2020-1-5 2932 wanzhuxyu 2020-7-21 01:30
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