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C/C++ Today: 0|Threads: 304|Rank: 21 

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A few particularly confusing issues, heroes help 飞儿飞飞 2020-3-23 41109 飞儿飞飞 2020-7-3 20:45
File manipulation problem! Write a time-keeping program, how about it? wogenius 2020-3-23 31146 sing2002 2020-7-3 18:45
Super prime  ...2 ark930 2020-2-13 113071 ark930 2020-7-2 12:30
Questions about porting from C to .net 84852609 2020-2-23 61388 thiefgroup 2020-7-2 00:45
Recharge Card Password Scheme  ...2 kubirongzi 2020-2-12 101983 qingclie 2020-7-1 17:15
Very strange question  ...2 409616177 2020-1-16 132683 yashiroxyz 2020-7-1 15:45
Help me see. It seems that I have never seen such a definition 57223387 2020-3-7 81547 天魔狂舞 2020-6-29 16:00
Structure pointer problem diablo9002 2020-3-19 81943 firegun 2020-6-29 12:30
How to generate a random number with uniform distribution in the interval (0, 1) in standard C? Is there a ready-made fu 小胖子 2020-1-9 91751 michael9633 2020-6-28 10:15
C ++ masters help, give an answer  ...23 myjinx 2020-3-13 235213 yidawyj02 2020-6-22 18:45
Find undefined type error solution 幻之鬼舞者 2020-3-17 41055 jjledu 2020-6-20 19:15
Questions about standard input in C 116640129 2020-3-17 21214 orangedj 2020-6-19 11:45
Set an integer to implement simple operations on integers 298003525 2020-3-16 81560 jotoos 2020-6-18 01:00
May I ask which heroes have the latest source code of medicine sales management for learning? New Post tyrwx2004 2020-5-20 21058 tyrwx2004 2020-6-17 13:42
Discuss a C language problem  ...234 mpc_bywind 2020-1-17 317712 squall_wl 2020-6-14 18:15
How to set the timer sleepygg 2020-2-23 51273 zhu3071 2020-6-14 11:25
Wait online ~~ ike666 2020-3-2 91822 huhuhu_ggg 2020-6-13 18:00
Ask a question, the program runs without error but is always incorrect! squall_wl 2020-3-7 4975 squall_wl 2020-6-10 16:00
How does a function return an array of indefinite length?  ...2 海里的浪 2020-2-29 132700 kuo123456 2020-6-9 22:45
Ask union and bit-field! !! !! !! !! !!  ...2 diamond52 2020-3-8 102185 珈蓝易拉罐 2020-6-8 15:00
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