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VC/MFC Today: 0|Threads: 446|Rank: 18 

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Strange problem with hotkeys: it is obviously set to ALT + Z, but the registered one is SHIFT + Z. If it is set to SHIFT  ...23 lizhi0213 2020-1-19 214389 lizhi0213 2020-5-18 15:15
I would like to ask how to display the received Yizheng jpg data, can it be displayed directly without decoding, or what 99139792 2020-2-11 3952 99139792 2020-5-18 11:00
Edit box in dialog box cannot return data in single document view with split view 最后一个吗 2020-2-1 51119 最后一个吗 2020-5-16 23:45
Questions about hidden text in RichEdit Painkiller_Silv 2020-1-25 1933 wqkbosss 2020-5-16 18:15
Problems with this pointer freeandwind 2020-2-17 2873 freeandwind 2020-5-14 15:30
How can I save the data into a file and save it on the hard disk? sevenbox 2020-2-15 31017 parm1211 2020-5-14 13:15
I would like to ask, how to get a file exists, not using FileExists hardnature 2020-2-17 61286 sssyyylong 2020-5-14 11:15
vc edit keeps receiving data occupying 100% cpu, how to solve it? chunhang 2020-3-1 1853 who0421 2020-5-13 19:00
String issues ~~ faulkner 2020-1-26 71258 parm1211 2020-5-13 14:15
What does it mean to add an L before a string? wwb0000 2020-2-21 81263 joe2086 2020-5-13 13:45
How to use vc to detect printer jam, paper shortage, and status? nakakiomama 2020-1-27 51154 natakie 2020-5-12 19:00
How to fill a rectangular area with a bitmap? radjack 2020-2-22 2995 jaylan 2020-5-9 12:15
How to get DNS without reading the registry bravebee 2020-2-1 41162 smilingamao 2020-5-7 08:00
Multiple inheritance is generally discouraged, but why is it used a lot in COM? galanodel 2020-1-22 41147 sheep0214 2020-5-6 14:15
Help! !! Ocx control cannot be called by ie max0min999 2020-2-9 2883 max0min999 2020-5-1 12:30
How to pass parameters to the ocx control kidult 2020-2-5 21108 goodjianli 2020-5-1 11:15
Questions about the use of class member static variables wbb999 2020-2-9 71177 wbb999 2020-4-30 12:15
Emergency help  ...2 lovestar6 2020-1-8 111810 ghostxp16 2020-4-29 18:45
About structure masato 2020-2-17 41013 masato 2020-4-28 17:45
Please heroes, how can I use my WIN32 program to control keyboard input of other DOS programs? 勇敢的小矮人 2020-1-30 2969 勇敢的小矮人 2020-4-28 12:45
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